What We Do

At Arizona Faith Network, our work is organized into two main areas. The first is Theological Dialogue, where we bring people of diverse faiths together to foster relationships, educate each other, and share in both prayer and practice. The second is Social Justice, where we unite in advocacy and action to work for justice and the common good. In short, we strive to build relationships rooted in our faith traditions that move to action, aligning with our tagline: "Be together. Talk together. Act together."

We offer a variety of programs and opportunities for you to get involved and connect with neighbors from different faith backgrounds. Please visit our Community Working Teams (below) and Faith Forum to learn more about how you can engage with our ongoing efforts and be part of meaningful conversations and actions across diverse faith traditions.

Theological Dialogue Commission

Social Justice Commission

Community Teams:

Our community teams or ‘working’ teams are committees made up of local faith and community leaders/members that dive deeper into the issues listed and help educate the public, create events, and work to use the materials of unity and faith to build bridges and break barriers across our communities. Expand a team in the list to learn more about this work and visit our calendar to RSVP to join an upcoming meeting or event hosted by our teams. All are welcome.

  • Arizona Faith Talks is a Speaker Series and Program featuring events and speakers from renowned interfaith theologians who are actively transforming the world. Learn more about this work here.

  • Cherishing Creation Collaborative (CCC) brings together individuals, faith communities, and sustainability and justice-oriented organizations to better cherish our shared earth and all creation. Learn more about this work here.

  • The Heat Relief and Community Resilience Initiative brings together faith communities, local partners, and government entities to combat extreme heat and build resilience. Through faith-based respite centers, we address the climate crisis and protect vulnerable populations. Learn more about this work here.

  • Faith 101 offers educational events with an experiential twist, allowing participants to learn about different faith traditions. Learn more about this work here.

  • Help protect our cherished right to vote on the state and federal level. Learn more about this work here.

  • This team collaborates to address hunger and advocate against Arizona's housing crisis. Learn more about this work here.

  • The Interfaith Dialogue Committee (IDC) fosters meaningful interfaith conversations across diverse faith traditions. With members representing diverse traditions, the committee creates safe spaces for dialogue, understanding, and collaboration. Through monthly meetings and events, the committee engages in discussions on faith, supports AFN’s mission, and promotes action rooted in shared values. Learn more about this work here.

  • AFN's Interfaith Youth and Young Adult Conversations (IYC) is designed to help prepare Arizona’s next generation to be key leaders in interfaith communities. Learn more about this work here.