Arizona Faith Network HCR2060 Opposition Statement

In the spirit of compassion and justice that guides our faith, the Arizona Faith Network, on behalf of the faith-based community partners throughout the state, opposes HCR2060, the "Secure the Border Act."

This proposed legislation threatens the inherent dignity of every human being and stands in stark contrast to our call to love and serve our neighbors.

This resolution echoes the divisive and harmful rhetoric of past legislation, potentially leading to increased racial profiling, deterring cooperation with law enforcement among mixed-status families, and imposing substantial financial and moral costs on our community.

As people of faith, we are called to stand against policies that sow division and fear. This moment requires us to embody this sacred injunction by actively opposing measures that dehumanize and discriminate.


HCR2060 "Secure the Border Act" Moved through the State Senate House: A Moment of Grief and Renewed Resolve for Justice


Proposed Great Bend of the Gila National Monument campaign part of 800,000+ petition signature presentation in Washington D.C.